Thursday, January 20, 2011

pardon our dust!

pardon our dust, we are making a few little {exciting!} changes here!
within the next few days, please update your readers, bookmarks, feeds, etc. because the blog will be moving over to !
thanks! can't wait for you to see what we've been working on!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

that's what she said! {and a BIIIIIIIIGGGG winner!)

 if you'll join me over on twitter, each week i will be asking a question and posting your answers here. 

this week,  i loaded up my ipod to FINALLY head back to the gym.  that got me thinking:

what is your go-to happy song? "

it's amazing how much you can learn about someone in that little question! love it!

kbberger Katie Berger 
Oh my goodness! Probably anything by The Fray.

PeggyAnn_Design Hannah 
 "Valerie" - the glee version. it makes me dance all over the place!

BringingUpBurns Erin Burns 
 currently = Pink's Raise Your Glass, Ke$ha's Your Love Is My Drug, KatyPerry's CA Gurls (it reminds me of @hausofgirls)

meganluvsjewels Megan Reynolds 
 Don't Stop Believin' (Or anything upbeat from Glee :)

homewiththeboys Erin M. 
 "You've Got a Home" from @christawells!

CreativeKristi Kristi 
 #TWSS My go to happy song is "sittin on the dock of the bay" by otis redding (don't know if that's the actual title)

sandyalamode Sandy Chang 
 Usher - DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love is my go-to happy sing and dance-along song!! :) #TWSS

jinao Jina Olbinski 
 Say Hey by Michael Franti. I can't help but chair dance when it comes on...

pepperglenn Sarah C. Taylor 
Vanilla Twilight by Owl City
kodibevelle Kodi BeVelle 
 Curbside Prophet by Jason Mraz

ohsweetjoy Kim Davis 
 pennies from heaven by louis prima :)

taradaramadeit taradara 
Firework by Katy Perry 

born2boop Betty Neale 
Any Beatles song #TWSS

alilbitoflovely ABeautifulMess 
"Electric Twist" by @afinefrenzy

anewhistory Alissa Smith 
My go to happy song is "Undignified" by David Crowder Band. Kind of silly I know. (:

tiffharper143 TiffanyHarper 
 Mindy Gledhill "California" love that song. Happiness always follows. #TWSS

gooseandtrisser Rachel Anne 
 No one by Alicia Keys - reminds me of my wedding day when I sang it to my husband as a surprise!

angiyt Angela T 
 I've Got A Pocket Full of Sunshine & Fat Bottomed Girls!

afdjewelry Heather Giustino 
 don't laugh, but my go-to happy song (since FOREVER!) is George Michael's/Wham's "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go" My fave!!

CarolynAnnRyan Carolyn Ann Ryan 
 My go-to happy songs include Heartbeats (Melinda Ortner) & Bottle of Sunshine

30daysblog Mique Provost 

I ADORE music.It all makes me happy.But especially Be OK by Ingrid Michaelson.No choice but 2 be happy while listening 2 it!

AngryJulie Julie 
 My go to happy song..."Party in the USA" by Miley. It reminds me of #Blissdom last year. Silly but true.

susanbsnippy Susan Barker 
 In the Summertime -- Mungo Jerry 1970

redbuddesigns Redbud Designs 
 take it from me by the weepies! really, anything by the weepies...

MelissaPitz Melissa Pitz
The Gambler by Fun. Such a good song!

Mandipidy Mandy 
Part of Your World from Little Mermaid ... it's made me happy for 21 years now :] #TWSS

jennilynncar Jenni Carlisle 
I'm loving this song at the moment: This version is perfection.

mandiegirl MandieSegura 
 Lately I'm loving "I'm Yours" from Jason Mraz. :)

CreatedbyCole SimplyCreatedbyCole 
 hard choice for me! LUV music, anything @therealtobymac or @adiecamp #TWSS

 what is my go-to happy song? its defs "MYYYY SHARONA!!!!" :)

BringingUpBurns Erin Burns 
@AngryJulie it's ok. I admitted to @allorahandmade that Ke$ha makes me happy. Anyone with a $ in their name is serious cause for cringing!

findcaro Caro 
 Jump by the Pointer Sisters! Try to NOT dance. You can't.

CreatedbyCole SimplyCreatedbyCole 
 @adiecamps' "where could I go"#TWSS

all images found on

didn't get to play along? what is your go-to happy song?

speaking of twitter, i hit 1,000+ followers this weekend thanks to you! as promised, one lucky winner will get $100 credit to allora handmade. aggh! i was stressing over the winner - you all have helped so much and i felt so bad having to choose. so, i made my husband. i asked him to pick a #, and guess whose number came up? 


i feel bad that everyone can't win, but i felt better knowing that celeste works so hard to bring awesome giveaways to so many people- karma, i suppose!
congrats celeste!
to the rest of you, thank you so much for helping me reach this goal! you are amazing! just for that, how about 10% off? through friday... use the code 1000 to get 10% off your order!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

{sponsored giveaway!} aPearantly sew

i hope you're ready for another great giveaway this week! 
i'd love to introduce you to sweet alison from aPearantly sew...
well, i say that, though we've never actually met! but that will soon change since alison will also be at blissdom next week!  seems we have a lot in common- same age, both moms of 2 boys (who are also almost the same age), both love handmade. however, we just discovered that i am about 9 inches shorter than alison. ha! now there is one thing we do NOT have in common!
alison's shop, aPearantly sew started as an outlet for a creative stay at home mom who fell in love with sewing. i love that her shop is so full of fresh color and interesting patterns.

if you know me, you could guess i'd have my eye on these: 

man, i'm so predictable. i promise one day i will have a new favorite color. maybe. ok, maybe promise is a strong word.
lucky for you, alison is offering up this beauty today: 

Turquoise Dots Wristlet Clutch

This adorable clutch is perfect for a night on the town! Turquoise polka dots on a cream colored background. Natural lining.
Measures approx. 7.5" (w) on top, 10" (w) on bottom x 8.5" (h)

sooo cute, right?
to be entered to win, please visit aPearantly sew and leave some love here for alison. to get an extra entry, spread the love on facebook or twitter and leave an additional comment. the giveaway will end sunday, and the winner will be announced on monday.
thanks alison!

Monday, January 17, 2011

to jeg or not to jeg? that is the question {and a winner!}

inspired by a twitter conversation yesterday, i must ask.
are you brave enough for "the jeggings?"
i know, i was terrified at first.
true story: a year ago a much younger, cooler friend of mine told me i should really try out skinny jeans. i laughed at her and asked if she'd seen my mid-section lately. i was certain i would look like a rolled sausage in skinny jeans. but i decided to at least try them out, and i was completely surprised by the result!

a year later (and no, i have not lost 20 lbs since then) i own more skinnies than anything else!

but... jeggings?

i mean, let's get real here. the name? well, it's a little revolting.
brings to mind "skort" of the 90's. or "ligers".
can any good come from hybridized words?

and really? conan o'brien didn't do jeggings any favors

sorry if i've ruined your appetite for the day. had to be done.

even april tried to convince me at the queen bee market that jeggings were amazing.
i wasn't buying it.
over christmas, my anthropologie shopping, always-looks-amazing sister in law was wearing super cute skinnies. when i asked her where they were from, she told me anthro (no suprise). but then she said "i love jeggings! they're so comfy!" and i was shocked.


well, you all know what happened. i blew my entire gift card that hubs gave me for christmas on a pair jeggings because when i tried them on, they were magic.

like yoga pants, but somehow completely fashionable!
it's a miracle!

aaaand... the spendy ones were perfect because they have a higher rise to cover my not-a-baby- bump. who could ask for anything more?!? (p.s. you can find a great pair at target too, so no worries!)

someday i may look back on this trend and ask "what was i thinking?!?" but for now... comfy pants!!

what say you?
are you a *jegger?
making my "so they're a little tight" face
i am.

*term "jegger" totally made up by me. feel free to spread it like wildfire. it's all kinds of awesome.

don't forget about the winner of the funky vintage kitchen giveaway!


congrats sarah! and thank you to fellow jegger, april!

Friday, January 14, 2011

friday feature: new in the shop! {mini modern pearl statement necklaces}

so excited to show you what i've been working on and just added to the shop!

mini modern pearls!
a teeny bit more understated than the original, the mini modern pearl still makes a huge statement in a small package. the largest rosettes measure about an inch, and the smallest about half an inch.

currently available in these colors

comparing the original to the mini

if i don't look happy it's because henry broke my mirror 3 seconds before this pic!

find them here.
and happy friday... the shop is restocked with necklaces!! 
(p.s. don't forget about the blissdom discount)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

meet my new friend nikon

for christmas, my sister gave me this beauty:
excuse the phone pic

do you want to hug it and kiss it like i do?
oh, ruthanne, you kill me. can we talk about the mustard? the gray? the polka dots? the ruffles! aggh! it's perfect!!
what was i talking about again?
oh yeah, the "pretend" DSLR that hubs and I got 3 years ago just wasn't worthy of my pretty strap. (not really pretend, it was just we needed an upgrade.
so, after christmas, we found a worthy match.
(of course i had to take a pic of it with my phone for you to see it)
isn't she pretty?

the best part? we found it in like new condition on craigslist for half the retail price. SCORE! 

the REAL best part? i get moments like this in full focus:


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

that's what she said!

if you'll join me over on twitter, each week i will be asking a question and posting your answers here. 

i la-la-loved your enthusiasm about "that's what she said" last week, and i'm so excited to continue this week. 56 entries!
so, since we are in the thick of applying for law schools ALL over the country, i just had to ask:

"if you could live anywhere in the US (other than where you now live) where would it be?"

@PeggyAnn_Design : I would love to live in Boston or Charleston or somewhere with a rich early American history. I'm a dork.

@simplerika  Ketchum (Sun Valley), ID. such a laid back, beautiful town! spent summers there growing up.

@AliLittle28  I would live in Hawaii with @aisletoaloha or I LOVE Charleston, SC!

@kodibevelle  Because we are knee deep in snow, I'd choose anyplace with a beach!

@bebehblog Charleston, SC! I went to college there, got married there & got a tattoo there ;) Most beautiful city in the US.

@bucknerfamily  I would want to live in Montana...even though I have never been there! :)

@SugarAndDots: Texas! I wouldn't mind having an accent. Plus, the whole "big hair" thing makes me wanna bust out the Aqua Net & go to town.

@KnittyBitties  I haven't actually visited, but I'm pretty sure I'd love to live in Vermont. Preferably in the 2011 HGTV Dream House. :D

@framesandnames  North Carolina...4 seasons, trees, close to water AND mountains. Perfection in my book!

@teacupofcoffee  Santa Monica, California! If I could walk down Main st or lay on the beach wih a view of the pier I'd be a happy girl :)

@jeannettg  do i have to take my kids with me?

@thevintagepearl  id live on the central coast of Florida, anywhere near a pretty beach and close enough to drive to Disney :)

@  either downtown Charlestown SC or somewhere on the beach. Love the beach!

@piperpost  I think I would choose Oregon.

@thelushers  San Francisco!

@RebelBellePhoto I'd be living in LA, for sure...although I'd take anywhere in SoCal. :)

@hiyaluv  riverside, california or anywhere in so cal for that matter! Or perhaps Minneapolis so I could be near @GussySews

@The_BMG That would be hard b/c I've lived in CO my whole life! I think I would choose Northern California.

@beslightlyaskew  I would pick Huntington Beach CA-not just anywhere in Hntgton. I would buy Ruby's at the end of the pier & make it my house.

@iheartBCD  I already know my answer! San Francisco! I miss it!

@parkersprints  NYC- Upper East Side a la Gossip Girl :)

@coraannedesigns I would live in NYC!!

@  NYC

@abbeyviolet  Alexandria, VA

@Jdpresley  Cape Cod. So pretty.

@bbgoad  I would live in Ft Collins CO

@30daysblog  Encinitas,CA as long as you're there. Kauai would be dreamy as well. But I do love where I live. ;)

@jennilynncar  ok Cali since some of my fav bloggers/friends live there. If I did, u would HAVE to move back!

@celeste_w  might sound odd, but I'd move back to my hometown: Tallahassee, FL. I miss it so much!!

@CrystalStine if I could live anywhere, I would live in Napa Valley - it just smells so darn good!

@sandyalamode  i'd LOVE to live in hawaii! great weather, a walk to the beach, shaved ice, and luaus in my backyard every night! ;)

@oakhilldesigns Considering we have 11 inches of snow right now, I would have to say Florida or Arizona-somewhere warm with no snow-ever!!

@aprilkennedy  I'd live near the beach. Hubby is a laid back man during the day when he starts it in the ocean. All is right in his soul!

@aisletoaloha  Alaska! Craving the cold and wide open spaces after living on a hot island. Plus, it's the other "outcast" state. ;)

@yourwishcake On an apple orchard in Washington State. (As long as I don't actually have to pick all the apples myself, of course.) 

@KEEPUPWITHJJ  Newport Beach, please. TY :)

@justjuliblog J Bethel, VT or Jimez, NM

@AlexaTC  I would live in Washington DC. Still get four seasons, but a milder version than Minnesota!

@afdjewelry  nowhere! I'm staying in my happy, little bubble! ;)

@mandiegirl  Chicago!!

@nmilkie  in a craftsman style house with a wrap around porch on the beach in a small, quaint town.

OMyFamily  Salt Lake City. True story, just ask @ryles or @theoutdoorwifeNature, has all 4 seasons, friends, family friendly city, adventure. 

theoutdoorwife SLC. Friends. Sun. Mountains. Small city. Church plant.

@gooseandtrisser Orange County, CA. Beach town. Preferably Laguna Beach!

@taprilcrosier  San Diego!! {i have a love obsession with Shamu and SeaWorld}

creairtive i live in sweden right now, but would love to live in San Francisco, my favourite city!

@Marci_Girl  I would move back to Florida and live on the beach!

@tristina_wright  Near my mom's horse farm just outside St Louis, MO. 23 acres, woods, lake and lots of animals!

@homewiththeboys  This might sound crazy, but Sioux Falls, SD. I grew up there and my family still lives there - such a lovely town!

@eclecticwhatnot  NYC, baby!

@jennilynncar  India

@GreenEnough4Me  I'd move back to Alabama.

@chspooner  Nashville, TN

@yes_teacher  In a rural area right outside of Flint, MI. It's where my in-laws live and where I 1st discovered that red barns are real!

@aroomsomewhere  no question, San Luis Obispo, CA! Love that town.

@MamaoftheFisch In the South where the southern charm seeps from people, the accents are adorable, and the history is in the buildings

you know what i love most about this? there are good places to live EVERYWHERE. that makes me really happy :)
what about you? where would you live if you could live anywhere in the US? 
thanks for playing! tune in next week!